Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Query not taking BackSlash " \ " value in AX

As AX doesn't support back slash value "\" value in X++ code but allows the same value in data base field value (In Table Field value) , So some time it's hard to get the expected value in query . I had the same problem which i got by below solution.

Problem : -

 LedgerJournalTrans hold a value with back slash (MP\PV16\000014). When i was getting the value in query to pass it in a range it was removing "\" Automatically which was the case of data mismatch and value was not coming from table. Our report was showing blank data in report.


Query doesn't recognize single back slash. so we use to use double back slash "\\" to define a single slash in a value. If we are getting a from any table then we have to convert single slash in to double slash. For that we have to type four slash "\\\\".

voucher     = strReplace(contract.parmVoucher(),"\\","\\\\");

here our value (MP\PV16\000014)contain single slash  which we are replacing with double slash by four time slash. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

AX 2012 - Understanding AOT Maps with an example


Maps are not new concept in software development actually. They are table wrappers to achieve general behavior. However for lame dude(s) like me, these definition words have not been enough.


The term allotted to Maps, "Map" itself is a bit confusing. But an example can really help understanding. And Maps are used everywhere, but in comparison to tables and classes ( see these building blocks are essential for any kind of most basic development), use of maps are quite rare.


I have been browsing PurchTableHistory table. A method came into my consideration where I see the use of Map.  

The method, PurchTableHistory[T] >> initFromPurchTable() declares several maps based on localized buffers. Look at the following code

// Code example
PurchTableMap purchTableMap;;;
First, the row from PurchTable is copied to the map variable, 'purchTableMap', and then, the history buffer gets the same row but form map, and not from the original source, purchTable buffer

WHY ? Their must be a genuine need ? Why don't we copy from the original PurchTable buffer  ? Becuase we cannot :) becuase of schema change. See if most of the fields are same but not with exact field names, types and filed list count, we cannot copy a row from one table to another using xRecord[C].data() simply because of schema mismatch.

Here is where map can work, since the different name same type and purpose fields are MAPPED in the MAP :). Fields with different names from different tables are mapped to consistent names in map, so that you can use them to map one row ( from one table buffer) to another table.

One more thing, when using maps, field count doesn't matter since the map will only care and execute on the schema defined in the map. It simply would not care for schema defined in the mapped tables, it would only care for the schema defined in the MAP

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

How to find or create default Dimension from X++ in AX 2012

This is static method to find or create default dimension:

static DimensionDefault createDefaultDimension(container _attr, container _value, boolean _createIfNotFound = true)
    DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage   valueSetStorage = new DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage();
    DimensionDefault                               result;
    int                                                      i;                            
    DimensionAttribute                            dimensionAttribute;
    DimensionAttributeValue                   dimensionAttributeValue;
    //_attr is dimension name in table DimensionAttribute
    container               conAttr =   _attr;
    container               conValue = _value;
    str                     dimValue;

    for (i = 1; i <= conLen(conAttr); i++)
        dimensionAttribute = dimensionAttribute::findByName(conPeek(conAttr,i));

        if (dimensionAttribute.RecId == 0)

        dimValue = conPeek(conValue,i);

        if (dimValue != "")
            // _createIfNotFound is "true". A dimensionAttributeValue record will be created if not found.

            // Add the dimensionAttibuteValue to the default dimension
    result =;
    return result;

Conversion of Disposition code, code was not specified - Error in D365 F&O for inter company purchase order return

 We crated the return order for inter company purchase order  and created a Item Arrival Journal through Arrival Overview in corresponding c...