Thursday, June 7, 2018

The internal time zone version number stored in the database is higher than the version supported by the kernel (9/7). Use a newer Microsoft Dynamics AX kernel.

Windows could not start the Microsoft Dynamics Ax Object Server on Local Computer, refer to service- specific error code 100.
The above error is not sufficient to tell us what the root cause of the failure is. Please check the event viewer log for the exact error.
Error Message found was Event viewer:
Object Server 01:  Fatal SQL condition during
login. Error message: “The internal time zone version number stored in the
database is higher than the version supported by the kernel (6/4). Use a newer
Microsoft Dynamics AX kernel.”
This is because we have two different kernel versions between Development and the test environment. So, workaround to resolve this is:
We need to update the SYSTIMEZONESVERSION Parmater in SQLSystemVariables table with the right value. In this case, expected is 4 whereas actual is 6.
SQLSystemVariables is available in Application database.
USE [ApplicationDB]
Update SQLSYSTEMVARIABLES set value=4 where parm=’SYSTIMEZONESVERSION’;–update it to 4
Once updated, we were able to turn on the AOS. Eventually, the right solution would be to make the environment in sync.

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