Thursday, October 27, 2016

Penny difference error in Bank reconciliation. After upload MT940 in AX 2012


After uploading MT940 I was doing Bank Reconciliation and trying to match the amount manually. But I was getting  this error "The difference between statement line amount -23,500,000.00 and total amount of bank documents 23,500,000.00 exceeds the allowed penny difference.".


 Here we are considering that you are aware of all MT940 upload processor according to microsoft Dynamics white paper. if not then follow these steps .

if you are facing the same issue you can go for the below steps.

Please do the following

1. Open the AOT (Ctrl + D) and go to the AOT node ‘Resources’

2. Locate the resources starting with MT940XML_to_Reconciliation_xlst

3. On the resource, right click and select ‘Open’ and select the File type as ‘XML document’
And export them

Disclaimer: this is a Microsoft suggestion and will not be responsible for its implantation or its effects whatsoever

It will get exported as an XSLT file

Right click on the file and choose open with Option Microsfot Visual studio 2013 (any version is fine)

Find this code

<xsl:template name="GetCreditDebitIndicator">
    <xsl:param name ="Direction" select ="''"/>
    <!--Reverse Debit Credit-->
      <xsl:when test="starts-with($Direction,'D') or starts-with($Direction,'RC')">
        <xsl:value-of select="'Debit'"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="'Credit'"/>

Replace with this code

<xsl:template name="GetCreditDebitIndicator">
    <xsl:param name ="Direction" select ="''"/>
    <!--Reverse Debit Credit-->
      <xsl:when test="starts-with($Direction,'D') or starts-with($Direction,'RC')">
        <xsl:value-of select="'Credit'"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="'Debit'"/>

Save the file in Vs and close the window and go to the "AX - System Administrator- Setup Services - inbound services " and find the service which you are using. Upload the same reconciliation file for the Service.

for Loding XMl file follow the steps from 12 to 17 in above given link. or in this link

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